Celebrate National Poetry Month with these Write Magick Prompts

Even though it’s National Poetry Month, that doesn’t mean the inspiration is automatically there. So, to celebrate my favorite thing (poetry) and get you scribing all month long, each Monday this month I’m delivering writing prompts directly to your inbox. Then, after you write, send your poems and insights to The Write Magick to be featured on our blog.
This week’s prompts encouraged you to go out and play!
Our creative lives hold much purpose and value. And sometimes, just sometimes, the effort with which we engage in creativity or feel the need to produce creatively can feel like a grim duty. So, this week, we scraped any feelings of need to or should do and just played.
Here’s a sample of what we wrote about…
Writing Prompt
Write a letter to your joy. List your joy’s attributes, your joy’s tendencies, what your joy loves, your joy’s boundaries. Declare how your world shifts within and without joy. Make known your desires. And know your desires can create joy, and joy can feed our playfulness.
There’s still time to join!
Receive your Write Magick prompts directly to your inbox each Monday this April by RSVPing here…