Moon Spit Turns One!
Moon Spit is One this January 2014
and we got a lot of celebrating to do! A huge hug and thank you to all Moon Spit friends during this first year of development and feminist outreach!
Over this past year we’ve delighted in the artwork of our Featured Feminist Artists, talking about integrity and debuting work with strong political affiliations with love and confidence. We’ve spoke to poets and short story writers, challenged ourselves to write daily, and swam in the ocean. Moon Spit Poetry continues to be a home of exploring feminist identity through the lens of your host, a woman writer and feminist. From our first moments of “Finding Feminist Fuel” to today, we have worked together to become more empathetic. We learn together to shape and reshape our world with love and provide safe spaces for inquisitive minds and hearts and those who need our support. We come together to ensure we have created homes, and have encouraged our children to do better than we have done. Moon Spit is young and has, itself, a lot of exploring to do. Moon Spit will continue to grow its interview series, feminist art displays, and promotions of independent literary and feminist events in the Washington D.C. area, and major feminist events in the country. With your continued support Moon Spit will add to its ever-expanding Feminist Resource Page of online sites, which encourage inclusivity, understanding, and empathy. Moon Spit will always be dedicated to understanding feminism in today’s context, to investigating ourselves and using feminism as a guide for healing, to sharing the love and stories of fellow feminists.
In this next year, I am thrilled to be invited to AWP Seattle to moderate the panel “So You Want To Build A Platform: But What Is It & Why Do You Need One? Women Writers & Editors Speak Out.” Come visit me along with Molly Gaudry from The Lit Pub, Sheryl Rivett from So to Speak: A Journal of Literature and Art, and Rosebud Ben-Oni and Arisa White from Her Kind on March 1, 2014 at 10:30-11: 45 AM Room 608, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6 to talk about online presence in a literary world.
Also, look forward to an AWP 2014 Feminist Panel’s Guide back by popular demand! (Check out last year’s)
Moon Spit is a one-woman operation supported by feminists, like you, who comment, share, and provide insights, resources, and events to celebrate. I truly couldn’t keep building this site without you, so please, never hesitate to keep in touch, and help me continue creating an inclusive and usable site.
In the meantime, check out Moon Spit’s Events and Resource pages, and your favorite blog posts from over this past year!
“Quick List of Poetry Collections to Satiate Your Feminist Brains”
“After the M.F.A. Panel Discussion”
“Re-post: Ocean Fragments: The Bikini Atoll and Plastic Seas”
“Learning Robert Frost through Letters and Keepsakes”

Happy Birthday, Moon Spit! Love you guys! ♥